Thursday, August 26, 2010
peanut butter, jam and kaya sandwiches
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
7 days before my first job
I really wanna follow some of them to Malacca this weekend, just too bad. Anyway, Malaysia Happy Independance day!!! i hope you won't retire by the 55th Independence, If you get what i mean??
I wanna workout but i feel so light headed and hence it affects my emotions which affects my decisions and so i didn't workout. HAHAHA! Oh Gosh i could imagine how much more lazier i would feel when work starts!! CANNOT!! I is need to go jog or pilates for an hour. I feel bloated already!!

oh yeah this is the sales person me, if you know anyone interested in free franchising do let me know. I'm serious free franchising!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
So Affordable You will love it: Affordable cleaning products
Thursday, August 19, 2010
no more sleeping till 9am
no more going to sleep at 12am
no more watching tv from 9am to 12 am
but thank God is only 5 days work weeeeeeeeeeeeee
Monday, August 16, 2010
While waiting
Today is the 10th day of my effort to participate in the 40 days fast and prayer. Is been a tiring and rewarding week spiritually. I CAN DO IT!!! though is only been a quater of the journey.
Talking bout this, i started participating in this "rally" since my days in university. i love the times when we have to prepare for the opening and closing of the rally which make me feel like I want to go visit Malacca!! but i will not do it unless i get a job first. I feel it is only right to do so. Then i can belanja more people to a nice treat.
waiting and waiting....
Monday, July 5, 2010
I'm happy that i am comfortably at home typing this now, but at no peace unless i get a job.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
4 weeks
Gosh i can't believe I've stayed here for the past 4 years, contained in this four walls which have sheltered and provided me comfort. Now i have to think of how to start emptying my closet and all my books and junk!!!
I shall start after my presentation this Thursday 22nd of April,speaking of which afterwards I shall be FREE!!!!!!!! WOOTS..
I will be going back to running starting tomorrow
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
OATMEAL with everything, everything with OATMEAL


WITH JAM OR Renee's favorite peanut butter

With Berries

With berries and kiwi or any other fruits

Somebody even name a boot.. Oatmeal

with Bread

with short break

breakfast bar


with cookies

with cookie sandwich

with cupcakes


PIZZA??? heheheh

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
he lost 100 pounds jumping rope
Michael in 2004

Michael 2005

Michael 2007

Michael 2008


I found a new video of him jumping ropes, but this time with his daughter. He wants to encourage his children to exercise and have good posture. He spends time with her but jumping to Hannah Montana and Cheetah Girls song!!!.. so sweet
Monday, March 8, 2010
mushroom spaghetti

I cut garlic, onions, the mushrooms and sausages and stir fry together, then add in water and the sauce and lastly mixing in the boiled spaghetti. After that was history. Is nice, very nice, i enjoyed my brunch.
i had oatmeal around 9am in the morning and i am hungry by 11am. I did about 1200 skips yesterday with squats, lunges, push ups and crunches. It wasn't brutal enough to tire me today. Maybe in the evening i will go for a jog or something and maybe try out a new workout routine,
7 rounds of 3 different exercises,
1) high knees to mountain climber (10x10) 5 reps
2) hanging knee raises 5 reps
3) Ninja Jump to half burpees 5 reps
hopefully i can go through all that..
mid term break
been killing my self with brutal workouts. I have to delay daily workouts after a brutal workout cos the next few days are war-cries. I feel fulfilled being to able to accomplish things physically my next task is the chin-up!!! i want to be able to do at least 1. They say it requires like at 8 weeks of trying. But i am determined and i want to do it.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
The stirring of emotions in me, a mixture of joy and sadness with the unfinished work of Christ. The walls of unity is shaken and cracks formed from past hurt and regrets. Where is the foundation of truth and love that we constantly learn and hear from the book that contains the very breath of God?
I believe that i am sad and deeply crushed when i see ignorance, pride and dignity gets in the way of mending a relationship, because i have the Spirit in my heart. The Spirit in me grieves as it watches the vessels of God getting empty, the salt loosing its saltiness and the light slowly deeming.
If i am crying inside, i could only imagine how Christ feels when he has sacrificed so much and yet you are blinded from the very Grace and Hope given to live righteously. re-Open your spiritual ears and eyes so that you may be called faithful servants and followers of Christ not just on the last day but everyday.
If we desire spiritual greatness, then what we desire is the place of service to others, and so we must deliberately choose the lowliest and most humble place. This is the whole key to the Lord's life, for He came, not to be served, but to be a servant. He is the servant King. Our Christian greatness lies not in ourselves, but in the greatness of the one whom we represent.
If you want to be great, choose to live like Him. Your decisions now affects your ability to win a life for His kingdom. Because you are the salt of the world (people around you, your family and your friends) if the very thing design to bring savour to other things is itself savour-less, what way out is left?
Christian themselves, quarreling with one another. How can such be "Sons of peace"?????
Christian are to be the moral preservative of the world, they are TO SAVOUR LIFE, TO SEASON IT, and also TO STOP IT FROM BEING UTTERLY CORRUPT. You stumble, you are also causing others to stumble.
Don't say you don't care, "Each of you should look not only to your own interest, but also the interest of others" Philippians 2:4 YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS GENERATION OF SOULS.
oh yeah!, the true mission starts at home, from the people you know, the people you grew up with. Some times the Lord calls us to return to the place we came from because people knew you, your changes, lifestyle and character is the real testimony for Christ.
maybe you don't want to listen to a lecture right now, but i can't help to say what i felt. Is due to my disappointments. If you feel you have bitterness and sorrow, please find peace with God, please ask the spirit to speak louder in your hearts, because the spirit is there, but please allow it to work in you. And allow the spirit to transform you to produce spiritual fruits. Galatians 5: 22-23.
with love always,
Monday, February 8, 2010
so funny
By Patricia Heaton | Esquire Magazine, Volume 139, Issue 4
1. Despite our protests, we are secretly amazed and even a little bit jealous of how comfortable you are with your bodies. The kick you get from farting, burping, and scratching is impressive.
2. The sports obsession is not a problem. Go to the sports bar for Monday Night Football. Take the whole weekend to golf. Please. Expand poker night to Tuesdays and Thursdays. It just gives us more time to run the world in your absence. We do this regardless, but it's nice not to have you breathing down our necks.
3. We know about the three grand in parking tickets. We just haven't said anything. Yet.
4. We love it when you try.
5. Whenever you start to tell that story, the hilarious one that shows how great you really are, we have a place we go to in our minds. They have blender drinks there and cute cabana boys. Did I say "cute"? I meant "mute."
6. Please don't wear jewelry. Of any kind. Ever. Just smell good and change your underwear once in a while. You are wearing underwear, aren't you?
7. We know you look back fondly on your days with Kathy Psycho-Slut. She's now fifty, wearing the same miniskirt and tube top that she wore twenty years ago, and she can't quite keep her lipstick inside the lines. By the way, she called. Knock yourself out.
8. Occasionally, we find your cluelessness attractive. There's something about your blind enthusiasm for the Sharper Image, your ability to pick all the wrong people as friends, and your devotion to reorganizing the CD collection you never listen to that is endearing the same way that having a slightly mentally ill brother is.
9. We use your razor because it's there.
10. If the house were burning down and we could take only one thing with us, it wouldn't be the red Manolo Blahniks. It would be you. But you'd have to take the shoes.
Jennifer love hewwit's
For Esquire magazine.
1. PMS is not a lame excuse to be able to yell at you. It's a great excuse.
2. We really can pump our own gas. It's just that we've got this fantasy of you as a '30s-era full-service station attendant. You'd look so cute in the hat.
3. We're not complimented when you call your ex a slut. She dated you, too. So what are we?
4. We're smart enough to know that smell is always the dog.
5. Yes, we can dish it out.
6. No, we can't take it.
7. We want to raise children. We just don't want you to be one of them.
8. Women are meant to talk and men to listen. We don't want to be fixed; we want to be heard.
9. When we ask if you've had any work done, it's because we want to know what our kids will really look like.
10. When we ask you how we look, it's okay to lie; when we ask you how she looks, you better lie.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
when the going gets tough the tough gets going
Went to gym with Esther - 30 mins cardio and 45 mins workout
then go for another 1 hour of walk around the field.
wednesday (13th Jan 2010)
morning Walked up hill - 2 rounds
evening Walked up hill - 3 rounds plus one climb ( practically climbed up Bunga Raya hill ) so fun!!
thursday (14th Jan 2010)
afternoon - i have to do something even if i have no time to workout so i slot in jump ropes in the afternoon.. 2400 jump ropes might seem a lot but actually is the same as doing stair climbers and running on a treadmill.. 2400 divide 120 jumps( 1 minute) means i have done 20 mins of high intensity cardio.. very tiring you know!!! sweat like nobody's business
Thursday, January 7, 2010
This week (Jan 4th to Jan 9th)
This week workout is to burn fat!! I went back to walking, (1hour)
walk in morning and in evening, stretches in the afternoon(30 mins)
Monday - walking in the morning
- stretches in the afternoon
- walking in the evening
Tuesday - walking in the morning
- stretches in the afternoon
- walking (around the field 7 rounds)
and jog (up hill 100 metres 13 times)
Wednesday - walking in the morning
- walking in the evening
Thursday - Walking and Jog in the morning
Friday - jump rope, and capoeira training
saturday - jump ropes and core workout!! thighs and calves ache like crazy!!!