Monday, December 29, 2008
why is he differrent in the old than the new?
though it hurts
Friday, December 26, 2008
Which then leads us to judging.
and then sometimes to anger, while the opposite party might thought that it happen for no apparent reason. For he or she has no idea of what went wrong?
However, if none decides to discuss upon the confusion, hoping time would pass and it will be forgotten.... that would be awesome!! but most of the time, it is not that easy
what would be worst, is to have a series of such occurrences, unresolved while emotions pile up,
and then just like a bubble it pops.... hmmmm a balloon would a better example, it BURST!
and nothing is left, but pieces of rubber strips.
But then again, He said to forgive 77 times,
this Christmas, make a change, or at least have the guts to settle things... aaaa which includes me.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
made it happen!!
it all came down in less than 15 mins... and it cost me rm14.. is like RM1 per minute man..
hahahah thanks to some one who came with me... but i sort of caused her to go cut her's too..
ahhh i like my new hair!!! dries faster and easier to manage...
christmas resolution.. do something crazy before christmas.. DONE!
but now i have to study, i got one mid term on Monday,
got cyber preneurship presentation on tuesday and wednesday
got to hand in my lab report and assignment by wednesday
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Before the camp i heard they were gonna torture us and abstain me from getting my regular beauty sleep to listen to some boring "ceramah". And on the previous year, they ONLY supplied rice with salted fish as meals!!! for three days!!!! wah can get heart attack man..
but good enough they weren't as brutal as the year before, we were given more sleep, and satisfying dishes catered by Shima Entreprise (one of the major food caterers in MMU, mlc).
Hahahah but i came back with bruises so bad that Elysia said is as though i got raped. We camp at the Pasir Pajang Kolej (i think...) it is also a N.S (National Service) ground next to the beach.. AWESOME!!
Some of the activities were, building our own raft and to paddle 1.2km to d sea and back.... meaning a total of 2.4km of muscle burning and sweat and throat soaring of "ONE TWO ROW! ONE TWO ROW.. hahahha and i came back with sexy voice thanks to my sore throat alrite! then then then we did boot camp training the one same like IF camp (brown shirt) but even tougher.. got monkey bar, climbed 8 feet wall and comando crawled (thats where all that bruise came from) and many more..
but i am satified getting to know many new faces and had fun joking and learning new things.. despite all that complaining, the good part of the camp was that it was entirely FREE !!!! well not that i am money minded neither am i "kiam siap" .... is just if you are at the point of my financial situation you totally appreciate free food and free lodging..

Wow, many people around me are crawling on all fours, but time will help you rise up on both feet once again. it just take a little more energy and time till you can run,
if you feel tired and out of energy eat more.... click ----->> snickers.. kekekeke...
To you and you who you your self know who you are, Thanks for sharing a part of your life with me!! But remember the challenges i gave you and i will be there just SMS to 012-63........ heh heh heh.. make me proud yeah!!
Out life is a reflection of his authority. And when we disobey, he is the One the world scoffs at. from Embracing Eternity by Tim LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins and Frank M. Martin (Tyndale) p 148 "
Thursday, November 13, 2008
i want to borrow!!!
Am currently free through out my second semester, and so i feel like reading a few books which i do not own, so if you do, Could i PLEASE.... pwetty pwease.... borrow from you???
1). By C.S. Lewis
*the entire 7 series of The Cronicals of Narnia
- The lion, the witch and the wardrobe
- Prince Caspian: The return to Narnia
- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
- The Silver Chair
- The Horse and His Boy
- The Magician's Nephew
- The Last Battle
Please and Thank you muaks...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
*went cut ris***
*went hang my self*
*went drink poi****
feel so empty,
someone said is only a one day feeling,
will update blog soon lah
just so lazy right now..
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Debbie Yong... hehehe is not me
going clok clok against the wooden floor
it tells me that i am
twenty, not four
not waiting, at dinnertime, by the front door
for the clok clok of my mother's heels
coming home from work
coming down the corridor
By Debbie Yong
Sunday, October 5, 2008
A Friend of Jesus
Matthew 21:17
John 11:5,11
John 11:43
That’s Jesus! I didn’t know they were coming for a visit.
"Mom! Mary and Joseph and Jesus are here!" The two boys had been friends a long time . . . best friends. They enjoyed being together, especially each year when they would all go to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover. And then there were the special times—rare, of course—but times like today, when the hours would fly as they grabbed for the seconds and filled every minute.
It’s so much fun when Jesus comes. I have such a good time.
* * *
"Hey! Over here, Jesus!"
"Ask your mother if you can come walk with us so I can tell you about what happened in the Temple today."
"Is that where they found You? Your folks have been frantic . . . looking for You everywhere. "
"I’m sorry about worrying them. But it’s all so strange, Lazarus. Can I talk to you about it?"
The two walked along, arms interlocked, growing ever closer as they grew older and shared the secrets of their young lives. Lazarus knew his Friend was someone very special.
* * *
"That’s Jesus, Martha. How good to hear Him. Prepare a special meal for us and we’ll all visit together. By the way, where’s Mary? Get her to help you.
"I’m back here, Jesus. Oh, I’ve missed seeing You. Let’s go to the roof where it’s cool and You can tell me what’s been happening. I’ve been hearing some wonderful reports about Your ministry. And I hear there’s some solid opposition, too. I’ve been anxious to talk with You."
"It’s good to be with you, Lazarus. Let me go in and say hello to Martha and Mary before we go upstairs."
* * *
"Mary! Martha! Come quickly! Jesus is here."
"Hello, dear friend. I’m on my way to Jerusalem and needed to be with you this evening. Can you find room for me?"
"Oh, Jesus, You know You are always welcome in our home. We look forward to Your being here, and I miss you very much. We’ve been friends a long time. There’s no one I feel closer to or that I would rather be with than You. You’re very important in my life."
* * *
"Lazarus! Come forth!"
Lazarus tried to open his eyes . . . just to think about moving seemed to be an effort. It was as though his arms were bound . . . as though his legs were wrapped. The smell. The dampness. The darkness. And it’s cold.
Jesus? Are You calling me? Where am I? This is like . . . almost like a tomb.
It is Jesus. But He sounds so far away.
Slowly he got to his feet, struggling at the tightly wound burial cloths, remembering vaguely the illness and the last touch from his beloved sisters, groping toward the light that filtered dimly into the blackness.
I’m coming, Jesus. I hear You, dear Friend. I’m moving kind of slowly, but wait on me . . . I need to talk with You about something that happened to me just last week. . . .
* * *
What role did Lazarus play in Jesus’ life? I know Jesus spent a lot of time in Bethany. He must have enjoyed being there. He felt loved. Comfortable. At home. Did He appreciate a clean bed and a hot meal?
Oh, I’m so prone to make You into an "untouchable God" instead of a beloved Friend. And I don’t need—or really want—an untouchable God. I do need a Friend. Someone whose voice is familiar to me. Someone that I long to be with. Someone who misses me and Someone that I miss. Someone that I can lock arms with and we can walk together and talk about things that are important to us.
Lord, I want to be a Lazarus to You.
I want to be Your dear friend.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Dinner with alooottt of engineers and engineers to be
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Christina Aguilera Hurt... just like the song
When I saw your face
You told me how proud you were
But I walked away
If only I knew
What I know today
I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I wanna call you
But I know you won't be there
I'm sorry for
Blaming you
For everything
I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself
By hurting you
Some days I feel broke inside
But I won't admit
Sometimes I just wanna hide
Cause it's you I miss
And it's so hard to say goodbye
When it comes to this
Would you tell me I was wrong
Would you help me understand
Are you lookin' down upon me
Are you proud of who I am
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes
And see you looking back
I'm sorry for
Blamming you
For everything
I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself
If I had just one more day
I would tell you how much that I've missed you since you've been away
It's dangerous
It's so out of line
To try and turn back time
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
what a dream!!!! so scary
and then and then... i think she said come back the next morning to start work so i did, and you know usually shops has this counter thingee where you have to stand on the inside and do business. so i make my way in, then she stopped me and said she wanted to give me something to wear, so she ask me to take off my clothing.. bear in mind it was only shirt and pants no more than that.. then she help me put on some saree look alike top and she was taking so long helping me button up the back and then .. oh gosh here is the gorry part.. she was mollestig me from the back.. what the heck man.. and then i felt so terrible i was so scared i jump my self awake.. woke up and started rebuking such non sense.. hhahahaha but come to think of it .. is so stupid..
And the bride wore white
Sweat so freangin much today, after gym ended went to yooooooojiaa YZ.. lalallala and sweat even more... saw this really nice bod instructor.. which her moves were like no rest but keep going. Our fren Renee almost dieded half way but she strive through cause dun wan lose to aunties.. teeeheee. oh thanks to wen wen for a nice time during workout.. love you lots too..
Last weekend Kok Phin went back home to celebrate our cousin's birthday. which reminds me.. Happy birthday Jeremy Leng!!! Anyway, i ordered my brother to bring back food for me so i will not starve for the coming week, and he lost my delicious food in Bukit Jalil.. and he dare say that one of them was beef and as you eat it .. it is so delicious and tender that it meltz in your mouth... arrggghhh but mom gave me moon cakes too which thank goodness he kept it in the bag pack.. so yeah had like 8 moon cakes.. yay!! will bring to ladies night tomorrow to share..
now have to stardey edi, and been putting this status the whole " dear LORD is 23rd edi... study study." so gotta go study edi.. sigh tomorrow going yooooojiaaa again see hot instructor ... hehehe whoaaaaaa all the best for finals.. and see yall in malacca camp.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Meaningless 2
and the day of death better than the day of birth.
It is better to go to the house of mourning
than to go to the house of feasting,
for death is the destiny of every man;
the living should take this to heart.
Sorrow is better than laughter,
because a sad face is good for the heart.
The heart of the wise is in the house of pleasure.
It is better to heed a wise man's rebuke
than to listen to the songs of fools.
Like the crackling of thorns under the pot
so is the laughter of fools.
This too is meaningless
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
and it weights heavily on men:
God gives a men wealth, possessions and honor,
so that he lacks nothing in his heart desires,
but God does not enable him to enjoy them, and a stranger enjoys them instead.
This is meaningless, a grievous evil. A man may have a hundred children and live many lives,
if he cannot enjoy his prosperity and does not receive proper burial, i say that a stillborn child is better off than he. It comes without meaning, it departs in darkness, and in darkness its name is shrouded. Though it never saw the sun or knew anything, it has more rest than does that man.
even if he lives a thousand years twice over but fails to enjoy his prosperity. Do not all go to the same place?
All man's effort are for his mouth yet his appetite is never satisfied.
What advantage has a wise man over a fool? what does a poor man gain by knowing how to
conduct himself before others?
Better what the eyes sees than the roving appetite. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind. Whatever exist had already been named, and what man is has been known; no man can contend with one who is stronger than he. The more the words the less the meaning, and how does that profit anyone?
For who knows what is good for a man in life, during the few and meaningless days, he passes through like a shadow? Who can tell him what will happen under the sun after he is gone?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Yappy Birthday......

Dear Shih wen,
Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to shih wen!!!!!!!
happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... whoaaaaaaaaa
Keep smiling and hang on to that cheerfulness which breaks all sorrow darling, when you come back on Monday hopefully there will be surprises for you .. hint* hint* hint*
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Ah thanks Ako for helping me with my assignments, hahahah at least you get to play the kind "siao" (crazee) papa and i sad mama of our psycho child miao while filming for our project. Hopefully it turns out well. Kok Phin used my eye liner to draw mustache that he could never grow by himself and powdered his hair so he could look old.. hahaha giler funny..
Anyway i have a new plan.. is so stupid but i just had to do it. will tell you what it is someday when it is done...
for now, if you read my previous post.. i can't wait wait for holiday to start.. i keep dreaming of it. Elysia and i had already plan to go somewhere during the two weeks break... ohhhh the wait...
Friday, September 5, 2008
i brag to everyone bout it, i watched the entire season 3 of How I met Your Mother in 3 nights, including scenes of How It Really Happen, cried a few tears,while watching some one else cried more tears than i did and OH! just love the series.
I went swimming anytime i want, everyday! splashhhhh
hmmm plus shopping at klcc.. Ate at chili's ...

this is the triple dipper
which includes the crispy chicken,
Smoked chicken, black beans, corn, jalapeño Jack cheese, red peppers and spinach wrapped inside a crispy flour tortilla. We serve it with our avocado-ranch dipping sauce. and
Chicken drumettes tossed in our spicy Buffalo wing sauce. Served with cool bleu cheese dressing.
then for main course we had,
Fajita-marinated steak or chicken grilled to perfection! Served with onions and bell peppers.
and nothing goes better than bbq ribs with draft beer!!!!!!!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Take time to realise
that all is fine,
just felt like getting out of my room and go run,
so i just left everything,
and went out without taking my mind with me,
but half way some one came along,
a companion,
a dear sister,
a fruitful walk it is,
took a break from headaches created by s humans,
and appreciate nature again,
tonight was windy,
while walking, keep getting the cold tingling feeling,
but it was so nice and colzie,
my heart felt so beautiful for the moment,
we both talk as long as the walk,
i thank God for a companion next to me,
and the break he gave,
sort of re-energising,
free spa,
YOU should try it too.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Eagerness to bake

I have a sudden eagerness to bake;
My second passion besides dancing, BAKING!
i love the mixing of butter and sugar,especially icing
the egg yolk freshly bouncing in the mixing bowl,

sweet scent of vanilla essence,
.....and i love very much making the dough

that wonderful blueberry cheese tart that oozes and melts on the tounge

Saturday, May 24, 2008
Free At Last!
the looooongest..
So Thankful that i managed to drag myself through....
along with half a thousand over other students hahaha .... oh well..
When it came to the last paper on Friday Jou Chean and I had already gave up.. Our final paper was in the morning, and it was 2 hours we were just dreaming of the moment when the clock strikes 11 !!!!!!
After that went lunch-ing with all the other girls at US pizza!!
After that went clothes hunting, although i had only three hours of sleep the night before ...!!! i just wanna have fun.. and go KAI KAI
Do you believe me when i say each girl has their very own type of shopping mates.
You know what i mean?
- those that makes you feel comfortable doing crazy stuff with
- Is not like a one person shopping kinda feeling, is the shopping TOGETHER kinda feeling
- are those who will change dresses in the same changing room as you despite the many other rooms that they could go in to..
So yeah, i had fun shopping with you sexy monkeys.

they make you feel good shopping, even if you don't have the money to.

and i love large mirrors

Saturday, April 26, 2008
muaks lil bro
darien yong: hi
debbie yong: :))
darien yong: wad was that for...
debbie yong: for fun
darien yong: i see
darien yong: i got take bath first my beautifully sister
debbie yong: ok
i just felt like posting this up, not to tell the world i am beautiful, hahaha but is to let you know why my little brother if so lovingly sweet and wonderful.
He respect others with a smile on his face.
Though sometimes he is sensitive and emotional (not emo kind)
but he keeps things to himself and hardly complaints,
he loves me and big bro alot, thats what matters,
hahaha he will be the cuter version of KOK PHIN, more leng chai version.... wahahahaha evil.. is true ako you have to face it!!!
oh well, sometimes i think he could be the reason i am acting like an elder sister, in most of my decisions i take in consideration the thoughts of the younger ones so to be a good example. I remember once his little friends told him, how lucky is he to have a sister that shows much love and attention to him, but i am sure i did nothing special, but after he told me what they said i was touched, so touched. Hahaaha hopefully when he grows up he will still sayang me, so that when i'm old and cuckoo there is he to take care of me and my 6 other children that i plan to have.. wahahaha
Thursday, April 24, 2008
just to make you feel better here are some advise
Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted.
When you don't know what to do, walk fast and look worried.
Everything can be filed under "miscellaneous."
If you are good, you will be assigned all the work. If you are really good, you will get out of it.
If it wasn't for the last moment, nothing would get done. (so true)!!!!
Keep your boss's boss off your boss's back.
Eat one live toad the first thing in the morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
felt so loved!!!
Firstly wanna thank Ako for giving me RM60.0 when i am broke, i am happy cos for all the times i asked fo rmoney you have always say YES!!
Thanks reb for always being there for me.. love ya roomie!!!.. can't named all you did for it is way too much.. hugs
Next wanna thank Renee for saving Lucius and I from the never ending wait to go home. And for a great week, God knows what we did but is just fun!! kekeke
Thank you lucy for the company.. now we know where all the maybanks are... !!! hhahahaha..
Thanks housies Jou, Jess and Elaine for spending me mum mum.. love yalll *hugs*
Thanks Jie for the delicious cheese cake, and the prepaid card .. heheheh your better than a sister!
Thanks kee weng for the free goodies.. breakfast will been a joyful one. wahahaha (no longer after he took back the vaucher.. haih)
Can't name all of the paddle poppies!!! thank you for doing all the crazy things together!
Thank you all (including those not mentioned) whom have been there for me.. YOU ARE ALL SO APPRECIATED!!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Up for greater challenges! Hit Meh!!
my 7 day trial passes hasn't been really satisfying,,,, Come On! give me the hard stuff!!! And you dun feel sorry cos you disappoint me.. cos you did not.. YEAH YOU.(missy). !!! hhahaha is fun and all just to be able to do stuff with my chickas!!!
Thank God two assignments have been handed in and no more tedious lab reports to write. whoaaa...
Oh dear, i am broke, and will be broke to end of this month... APRIL.. starvation ..
feels like those small little kids standing outside the bakery shop staring with delight over the yummy cakes and pastries that they just can't afford.
Physically tired but spiritually, emotionally and mindly hYPER!!!
MONDAY -----> went for YOGA thanks to Renee for getting 7 days trial passes fromYOGAZONE 3 whole hours of pilates and yoga. and then went to paint backrop for a theater which is dated this friday 18th of April go check it out at pentas budaya near puteri resort.
TUESDAY ----> Morning went with pastor to attend a boot camp on THE END TIME MODEL OF EVANGELISM. The Elijah Challenge!! it was cool one of the most blessed thing i have done this week. So now that i know the power of healing, those of you need healing of any sickness and pain do come and see me, IS FREE!!! just come you have nothing to lose but pain and suffering.
WEDNESDAY--> TIRED!!!!!swim like mad for more than an hour, and have great conversation with Mariane.and had a fun supper with kee weng , Sullivan and Elaine.
THURSDAY----> TIRED!!!! x2 Another crazy day of yoga and Fun Time CG.. hope you guys enjoyed CG.
FRIDAY -------> TIRED !!!!!!!!! x3 church practice (dancing), lab report suppose to go for a hospital trip but i turn it down cos ihad to hand in my lab report the next hour.. hur hurhur
SATURDAY -----> We jogged to MITC, wahahaha ana,kelvin,jan sen, merilyn, esther, jia tsing, jou chean and i.. is not that crazy really!, due to assignments and church practice (dancing)
Thursday, March 6, 2008
this is briliant
(Wait till you see the last one)!
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:
Bet your friends haven't seen this one!!!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
something only we could understand
and i needed you, even if it was only for that moment.
And each time we get together The Love just blossoms more and more.
I thank God that i could sense your sorrow, and i thank God what i said had touched your heart.
You are so beautiful, and charming, you light up my day for every KISS you given me.
And yes i you have a signature kiss, you sniff so deeply then you smoocchhh..
What we shared tonight is special, so hold on to it, for this relationship would be a great history.
Lets continue to walk this chapter hand in hand, for every step is so amazing and fun.
I love you darling.
SERAIESLY..... SARIOUSLIE... heheheh muaks...
Monday, February 25, 2008
Marrianes status: somethings don't need to be rush they just need time
I guess is what we all say to others but never really do apply to our selfs.
I am sick and tired of fulfilling your desires, i need to fix my self now. give me a break!
i need a time alone, a time with Him, a time to renew, a time to grow up and mature.
and maybe these are the certain things that don't need to be rush they just need time.
Everyday is a new level, a new beginning, and as we grasp hold of something new, we gotta let go of the older ones. *whispers* let go
For when you learn to let go then you learn to love. But you don't need to rush for all you need is just time.
siblings remember time is on your side!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
CG valentine, and after power night

(clockwise) Kelvin. Su Be. Su Ee. Lucius. i. and Elysia at AMOTE

Love is in the air.... at jonker street

We made Su Be do it...!!!! hahahaha shoooooooo comel!!


a night just wandering off and neglecting all sorts of unhappiness

cos when it comes to cam Whoring everything is pushed aside... oh yeah

Su Ee, Debbie, Douglas, Elysia, Reb, and Jin Wang (the photographer)