Before the camp i heard they were gonna torture us and abstain me from getting my regular beauty sleep to listen to some boring "ceramah". And on the previous year, they ONLY supplied rice with salted fish as meals!!! for three days!!!! wah can get heart attack man..
but good enough they weren't as brutal as the year before, we were given more sleep, and satisfying dishes catered by Shima Entreprise (one of the major food caterers in MMU, mlc).
Hahahah but i came back with bruises so bad that Elysia said is as though i got raped. We camp at the Pasir Pajang Kolej (i think...) it is also a N.S (National Service) ground next to the beach.. AWESOME!!
Some of the activities were, building our own raft and to paddle 1.2km to d sea and back.... meaning a total of 2.4km of muscle burning and sweat and throat soaring of "ONE TWO ROW! ONE TWO ROW.. hahahha and i came back with sexy voice thanks to my sore throat alrite! then then then we did boot camp training the one same like IF camp (brown shirt) but even tougher.. got monkey bar, climbed 8 feet wall and comando crawled (thats where all that bruise came from) and many more..
but i am satified getting to know many new faces and had fun joking and learning new things.. despite all that complaining, the good part of the camp was that it was entirely FREE !!!! well not that i am money minded neither am i "kiam siap" .... is just if you are at the point of my financial situation you totally appreciate free food and free lodging..

Wow, many people around me are crawling on all fours, but time will help you rise up on both feet once again. it just take a little more energy and time till you can run,
if you feel tired and out of energy eat more.... click ----->> snickers.. kekekeke...
To you and you who you your self know who you are, Thanks for sharing a part of your life with me!! But remember the challenges i gave you and i will be there just SMS to 012-63........ heh heh heh.. make me proud yeah!!
Out life is a reflection of his authority. And when we disobey, he is the One the world scoffs at. from Embracing Eternity by Tim LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins and Frank M. Martin (Tyndale) p 148 "
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