Promised to meet Sully by 8.15 but woke up at 8.15.. hahahakkss.. anyway.. went hiking up Bunga Raya Hill.. and it was tiring because i had sore calves from the jump ropes yesterday. But manage to go two round. Yes Sully we shall do it again .. and push your self harder next time..
By the way.. MMU CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP WILL BE CONDUCTING A PLAY FOR CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION ON THE 7TH OF DECEMBER. next Monday.. main hall 7.30pm.. everyone is invited!!!!
afternoon (30mins) Just cardiovascular workout today,.. 1800 jump rope and stretches.. A great day for stretching.. The rain provides a cozy feeling for a peaceful intensive stretch..
With this, i guess my metabolism will be elevated throughout the day..
FRIDAY I'm not done !!!
afternoon (40mins) You guys should try this out.. 150 high knees jump ropes, 6 pike presses, 30 mountain climbers, 10 triceps leg lifts, 10 superman lifts, 20 toe touch crunches, 10 leg lfts and reverse the order!!! 20 toe touch crunches,10 superman lifts,10 triceps leg lifts, 30 mountain climbers, 6 pike presses, 150 high knees jump ropes...... all that as one set.. do 4 sets.. and D.U.A (Die Upon Arrival) .. wanna see how it is done watch it here BODY ROCK TV
In the video she did not ad jump ropes but i wanted more challenge so i added it in.. now try it out..
THURSDAY i can't work out today.. too tired.. so i shall call it rest day. but i wanna share this video clip click click click..I wanna do this too.. i wan i wan i probably trip a thousand times beore i can reach his speed but i wan i wan i wan
Afternoon (1hr) I did 2000 jumps today (rope jumping) Half high knees and normal two feet jump. with push ups, obliques side push up, planks, leg raises, bicycles and variations of crunches. I realise blogging this makes me al the more motivated to workout.. kah kah kah
and i am totally crazy with the Korean version of Craig David's INSOMNIA, by Wheesung.. aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

keep listening until i really got night mare last night.. INSOMNIA..
TUESDAY: my calves are sore, i slept through out the evening thinking i would only rest for 1 hour i end up taking 3 full hours of rest. Then called up Dumber and Dumbest to go climb hill with me.
I went 2 rounds of hiking.
(20 mins of up hill climbing, and 10 mins coming down). Both burns a certain amount of calories. Going up prob uses 9 calories per minute but coming down about half of the amount.
MONDAY: TARGETING arms, and abs while maintaining metabolism while doing body weight training, hence the interval cardio.
morning (1hr), interval cardio and body weight training
(danced to pussy cat dolls) and did triceps push ups, crunches, sit ups, bicycle crunch, oblique lift, triceps dips, and
evening(40 mins) interval cardio and body weight training
(jump rope 150 times, 8 sets) performed same body weight training as above
target was to do 20 sets of jump rope but had no time so i only did 8 haizzz. Was rushing for scene 3 Practice. Will try it on Wednesday.. plan to go climb hill tomorrow..