the looooongest..
So Thankful that i managed to drag myself through....
along with half a thousand over other students hahaha .... oh well..
When it came to the last paper on Friday Jou Chean and I had already gave up.. Our final paper was in the morning, and it was 2 hours we were just dreaming of the moment when the clock strikes 11 !!!!!!
After that went lunch-ing with all the other girls at US pizza!!
After that went clothes hunting, although i had only three hours of sleep the night before ...!!! i just wanna have fun.. and go KAI KAI
Do you believe me when i say each girl has their very own type of shopping mates.
You know what i mean?
- those that makes you feel comfortable doing crazy stuff with
- Is not like a one person shopping kinda feeling, is the shopping TOGETHER kinda feeling
- are those who will change dresses in the same changing room as you despite the many other rooms that they could go in to..
So yeah, i had fun shopping with you sexy monkeys.

they make you feel good shopping, even if you don't have the money to.

and i love large mirrors