Wow One whole semester has past!!!
so FAST!
Is been a great time being with you all..
Nope, no regrets ... for the time being.
I still have 2 more semester to hang out with yall..
sad to say that our kayaking plan didn't work out
but Delta Farce did fill in the time..

so FAST!
Is been a great time being with you all..
Nope, no regrets ... for the time being.
I still have 2 more semester to hang out with yall..
sad to say that our kayaking plan didn't work out
but Delta Farce did fill in the time..
from the front left to the back Lee Cheng, Lucius, Richard, Elysia Edmund and Kelvin
*and the secret recipe waiter behind*
We shall make more plans and make sure that most of them will be accomplish, though sometimes things don't work out the way we want them to, but we still have each other..
Is a relieving sight to see, knowing that you all are happy in the presence of each other..
it kills the stress ....
Gosh, can we try not to spend so much during CGs is scary when i see the bills i collected from CG dinners.. hahahaha we shall cook again.. eat all we want and be merry

Yummy fiber cheese cake, has macadamia, pistachio, almonds, sunflower seeds, muesli, and much more... awesome
orange lighting... silhouette ... romantic...
After dinner we went walking around the area and i spotted something so cute....
hehehe Is a lamp.. can turn it on with the "special" switch down there.. not telling whose hand that is... SO CUTE RIGHT!!! I WANT THE LAMP HAHAHA
CG leader.. here at your service with tender loving care... i appreciate all your faithfulness for attending CG... God Bless..
wISH You you guys.. ALL THE BEST for the coming FINALS..
jaga jaga your health and if you got good stuff don't you dare not include ME!
and remember...